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Amy's Medical Mission To Haiti

This October, one of our Physiotherapist, Amy Heffernan, is setting out on a medical Mission to Port du Paix, Haiti. This has been a lifelong ambition of hers, and she is excited to finally have the opportunity to go. She will be traveling with a group called S.T.A.N.D (Sustainable Therapy and New Development). STAND is a Physiotherapy driven multidisciplinary team that provides life changing care in an environment unlike any most have ever seen: Northwest Haiti. Volunteer teams consisting of physical therapists, orthotists, prosthetists, general medical staff, and students work very hard to deliver rehabilitative care to those in need, and always to the highest standard. So, not only do we treat the locals, we also work with local PT students, who will eventual work at the clinic all year round.

Amy will be fundraising and collecting supplies for the month of September. The fundraising will go towards her volunteer fee and buying medical supplies and equipment that are so sorely needed in Haiti, where there is no access to these things. Her goal is to raise $1000.00 during the month of September.

She is also looking for anyone that might have new or used running shoes of any sizes, children’s included. A large role of the team is that of the prosthetic team, and new prosthetics often require runners. One the greatest accomplishments of the team is getting individuals walking who may have never had the opportunity to do so because of lack of medical care.

If you are interested in learning more about the charity she is travelling with, please visit

For anyone interested in providing donation, you are able to bring it to the clinic, or email Amy directly at

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